Tando Composites News

Tando in Plastic News: Derby Products staff, siding take on Irma

Written by Maureen Murray | Oct 2, 2017 4:00:00 AM

At our Miami plant, which manufactures Tando and Novik innovative shake and stone cladding products, Hurricane Irma’s winds of 100 mph, the intense heat and a lengthy power outage were no match for Derby’s dedicated team and durable products!

The full story is featured in this powerful article "Derby Products staff, siding take on Irma" from Catherine Kavanaugh in Plastic News :  Read the full story here


Workers showed up during a nine-day power outage at Derby Building Products in Miami to make sure product still got out the door after Hurricane Irma.


A demonstration wall of Derby's Tando siding product, "beach house shake" was also exposed to Hurricane Irma, and made it through undamaged.